
Getting Started with CBD: 10 Tips for Beginner Cannabis Users

Cannabidiol (CBD) offers exciting therapeutic potential. But for Canadians new to cannabis compounds, an overwhelming array of products exists. Dosage levels, consumption methods, and terminology can also confuse beginners. This guide provides tips for demystifying your CBD journey. 1. Talk to Your Doctor First While considered generally safe, discuss trying CBD with your physician, especially…


How Long Does it Take for CBD Oil to Work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has exploded in popularity in Canada in recent years. With cannabis legalization, more Canadians are trying this non-intoxicating cannabinoid for its touted wellness benefits. But new CBD consumers often wonder – how long does it take for CBD oil to actually have an effect? Understanding CBD’s timing and onset is important for…


New Research Confirms the Health Benefits of CBD for Canadians

Several new scientific studies published in 2023 continue to reveal the positive health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) for a variety of conditions affecting many Canadians. As CBD becomes widely embraced across the country as a natural supplement, this emerging research provides further validation of its therapeutic potential. CBD May Help Address the Opioid Crisis The…


Top 25 Questions About CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has surged in popularity over recent years, sparking curiosity and questions. We answer the top 25 questions about CBD, offering a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating compound. 1) What is CBD? CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol),…


The Great Cannabis Awakening: How CBD Shed Its Taboo Status in Canada

Cannabis Compounds Go Mainstream in Canada Cannabis compounds like CBD have gone through a radical shift in public perception in Canada over the past few years. What was once stigmatized and associated with the counterculture movement has now firmly entered into the mainstream. This transformation comes on the back of changing social attitudes, expanded access…